Metro Academy began with the Christian family in mind. Launching with the intent to supplement the parental/guardians’ desires for the adolescents in their care to receive an education with a Biblical worldview. Metro Academy began as a homeschool co-op and has evolved into a full-time, moderator-based classroom utilizing the ACE curriculum.

For several years our family has considered private Christian education and until Metro Academy, we were not settled on where that could happen; now, we have that solution. Knowing the Metro standard of excellence, we are confident our children will receive a Biblically-based education that exceeds our expectations.

Kyle Holt

Your families and our communities deserve this and Metro Academy is pleased to be the solution.

Before our children were born, we knew we wanted them to learn in a Christian environment. We are so excited to have this option in the near future. A safer, biblical based environment for them to learn and grow. We know Metro cares for our children and their future.

Natalie McCoy

We look forward to adding your families testimony for others to benefit from as well!